Peak Performance Selling Podcast

Helping Organizations Build Resilient Teams with Johnny Occean

Written by Jordan Benjamin | Jul 23, 2021 11:25:57 AM


Johnny Occean is an Account Executive at meQuilibrium. They are the only clinically validated SaaS-based resilience solution available today. MeQuilibrium targets the root cause of negative behaviors, making it possible for individuals to improve health, reduce perceived stress, and increase satisfaction at work and home. Through anonymized data, organizations are able to understand their employees' mental and behavioral health needs, track productivity gains realized by resilience, and improve agility by fostering a resilient organizational culture. Deployed across 83+ countries today, meQuilibrium supports organizations in all industries and is used by all roles and titles. 

Johnny is also a member of RevGenius and an associate member of the Revenue Collective.

You can follow Fired-up Fridays with Johnny Occean and reach him on his LinkedIn at You can also Johnny on the following emails below.

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